[ipxe-devel] ECCN request for iPXE (770a7bd) and wimboot (91be50c)

Christian Nilsson nikize at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 11:29:37 UTC 2020

On Fri, 19 Jun 2020 at 12:35, ZWETSLOOT Jeroen <
Jeroen.Zwetsloot at nl.thalesgroup.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Thales Nederland BV is considering to use iPXE and wimboot in its own
> products. In order to do so we have to make sure that they comply with
> export regulations that apply to our products.
> According to our information your software could be subject to the Export
> Administration Regulations (EAR) when it is either hosted in the United
> States of America or if any contributor is a resident of the United States
> of America (for more information on this subject, please consult
> https://www.bis.doc.gov/).
> We therefore kindly ask you if your iPXE (the latest version, as of this
> writing commit 770a7bd43aa236fe415e0643e2f452e1ad191596) and wimboot (also
> the latest version, as of this writing commit
> 91be50c17d4d9f463109d5baafd70f9fdadd86db) software is subject to the EAR
> and, if so, to provide us with the ECCN that applies to these iPXE and
> wimboot versions.
> Thank you for your time,
> Kind regards, on behalf of Thales Nederland BV,
> Jeroen Zwetsloot
> Software Engineer
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> Thales Nederland BV will not accept liability for any damage caused by
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> its attachment(s).
> Thales Nederland BV is seated in Hengelo and is registered at the Chamber
> of
> Commerce under number 06061578.
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Some information from a long time user of iPXE. Do note that the usual
IANAL applies.
You might be interested in reading https://ipxe.org/licensing
Also: https://github.com/ipxe/ipxe/blob/master/COPYING.UBDL

Since this is an open source project it is unlikely that you will get help
with ECCN (but not impossible, see the support page on ipxe.org)

Even if all development have been made in/from the U.K. and the source was
primarily hosted in the U.K.
The sources are now mainly hosted on GitHub. - this seem to make U.S. think
that they have the right to control this (IMHO that is ludicrous)
But it seems that you should be able to just "fire of an email" yourself to
get this, see

"EAR Open Source" might be a helpful searchterm here.

Kind regards
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