[ipxe-devel] Docking USB-C Lenovo

Geert Stappers geert.stappers at hendrikx-itc.nl
Tue Oct 9 07:18:39 UTC 2018

On Tue, Oct 09, 2018 at 08:24:51AM +0200, Álvaro Javier Gasco Fernández wrote:
> Good Morning list!!
> My name is Alvaro and this is the first time that i write to the list.
> First of all i want to thanks to the team for this incredible work done in
> this project.
> Second one, i would like to explain a problema that i have with two of my
> laptops. I have a lenovo T480s and a L480 with an USB-C Docking. When i
> launch the network boot with the USB-C Docking connected and IPXE starts,
> the process is frozen at Windows Logo.

Seems to me that payload is transferred and started.

> IPXE recognizes the network and gives me an address but after that, no more
> things happened.
> Can you help me with that?? If you need more info, of course, i will give
> you as soon as possible.

I think the boot process is stalled in Windows userland.
My guess is that it hangs on USB-C authorization check.

Geert Stappers
Devops engineer at hendrikx-itc.nl

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