[ipxe-devel] Chain with http post

Brandon Penglase bpenglase-ipxe at Spaceservices.net
Fri Feb 1 23:29:28 UTC 2013

Sadly, iPXE does not (yet) have support for HTTP POST. I've been
thinking about looking into adding it myself, for the exact reason you
posted for, passing usernames and passwords more securely. HTTPS is
fine for over the wire, but GET then puts the user/pass, possibly, into
log files.
I believe the last time it was discussed in the IRC channel, it was to
make a function, and then pass the variable you want through. Something

This way your script would then be able to parse $_POST['user'], and so
I'm also not sure how much this would increase the codebase, but I
wouldn't think it would be much.

My other thought is, how would we go about responding to the
information back from the 'httppost' function.

	Brandon Penglase

On Sat, 2 Feb 2013 00:53:12 +0200
shedis <shedis at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I using a gpxe script which contains a following command:
> chain
> http://myserver/bootme.php?mac=${net0/mac}&user=${username:uristring}&pwd=${password:uristring}
> above chain command invokes http get request, is it possible to
> perform a http post request when using chain command?
> Regards,
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