[ipxe-devel] Handling errors in scripts

Ty Christensen tyc at mastermindpro.com
Sun Nov 25 16:31:17 UTC 2012

Makes more sense to me now.  I think I'll have to work on embedding the script to avoid all of my problems.  Thanks for the tips!

-----Original Message-----
From: Shao Miller [mailto:sha0.miller at gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 10:52 PM
To: Ty Christensen
Cc: ipxe-devel at lists.ipxe.org
Subject: RE: [ipxe-devel] Handling errors in scripts

Good day, Ty.

Unfortunately, I can't quite understand your scenario.  If you are booting undionly.kpxe as you just said, but it does not include the script as an embedded file, then how is it executing the script at all?

Without an embedded script, undionly.kpxe will attempt a PXE boot, which includes performing a DHCP transaction.  If that fails, there is no script involved, as it hasn't been fetched yet, as it can't be fetched without an IP, yet.

If it succeeds and you are then able to execute the script, why would you re-do DHCP?

Are you trying to perform the script in post #1 or #7 in the forum thread?

- Shao Miller

-----Original Message-----
From: Ty Christensen [mailto:tyc at mastermindpro.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 18:50
To: Shao Miller
Cc: ipxe-devel at lists.ipxe.org
Subject: RE: [ipxe-devel] Handling errors in scripts


1) Script on the forum post at the link I've included in this thread
2) I didn't build iPXE with the script, I'm just trying to use undionly.kpxe with the script
3) Don't know...not at a place to check at the moment, but I will when I return to the office

-----Original Message-----
From: Shao Miller [mailto:sha0.miller at gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 10:58 AM
To: Ty Christensen
Cc: ipxe-devel at lists.ipxe.org
Subject: RE: [ipxe-devel] Handling errors in scripts

Good day, Ty.

1. What script are you using?

2. How did you build iPXE with that script?

3. What version does the iPXE you built report itself to be?

- Shao Miller

-----Original Message-----
From: ipxe-devel-bounces at lists.ipxe.org
[mailto:ipxe-devel-bounces at lists.ipxe.org] On Behalf Of Ty Christensen
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 12:26
To: Thomas Miletich
Cc: ipxe-devel at lists.ipxe.org
Subject: Re: [ipxe-devel] Handling errors in scripts

Does anyone have any idea why such simple functions are broken?  It's easy to test...just shut down the DHCP server on your physical network segment and watch as a script that is supposed to retry the DHCP request...doesn't.
It exits the script every time.

-----Original Message-----
From: ipxe-devel-bounces at lists.ipxe.org
[mailto:ipxe-devel-bounces at lists.ipxe.org] On Behalf Of Ty Christensen
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 4:38 PM
To: Thomas Miletich
Cc: ipxe-devel at lists.ipxe.org
Subject: Re: [ipxe-devel] Handling errors in scripts

Did a fresh git sync and compiled undionly.kpxe.  Tried it, but got the same results.

-----Original Message-----
From: ipxe-devel-bounces at lists.ipxe.org
[mailto:ipxe-devel-bounces at lists.ipxe.org] On Behalf Of Ty Christensen
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 3:25 PM
To: Thomas Miletich
Cc: ipxe-devel at lists.ipxe.org
Subject: Re: [ipxe-devel] Handling errors in scripts

I don't think so, at least it's not ancient.  I did a git checkout only a month ago.  I'll do a fresh download and see if that makes a difference, though.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Miletich [mailto:thomas.miletich at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 3:19 PM
To: Ty Christensen
Cc: ipxe-devel at lists.ipxe.org
Subject: Re: [ipxe-devel] Handling errors in scripts

How recent is your iPXE version?

Could it be ancient enough to simply not support the new scripting features yet? It's always a good idea to try the most recent version anyway.


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 12:11 AM, Ty Christensen <tyc at mastermindpro.com>
> I posted on the forums about a problem with iPXE scripts and error
handling, but Robin ultimately suggested I try here instead.  To see the forum post and problem details, go here:
> http://forum.ipxe.org/showthread.php?tid=6764
> The gist of the problem is that simple error handling within iPXE 
> scripts
isn't working for me.  I've tried examples from the website, which make sense to me, but errors in the DHCP or sanboot steps of my script do not invoke the goto's or other error handling.  iPXE exits entirely back to the BIOS.
> I can't tell why such simple procedures in the script are not being
handled correctly.  Does anyone know how to troubleshoot this?

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