[ipxe-devel] Error "Could not select: Exec format error (2e008081)" while loading EFI images via HTTP/TFTP

Felix Jacobi felix.jacobi at iserv.eu
Thu Sep 12 14:13:55 UTC 2019

Hi Christian,

On 10.09.19 at 17:01, Christian Nilsson wrote:
> I'm starting to suspect firmware here,
> You might want to start an efi shell instead, from USB or similar, and
> try to boot the kernel from there.

Yes, the firmware definitely has some kind of suspicious behavior. I
continued research and testing and found something which is maybe

I created a minimum setup with PXELINUX. The latter one seems to be able
to load the Linux kernel without problems, but loading other EFI
binaries (tested: rEFInd and iPXE) fails with "Invalid boot signature
0x0b, bailing out...". According to the SYSLINUX mailing list
(https://www.syslinux.org/archives/2014-December/022962.html) that is
also related to enabled Secure boot. It seems like the firmware
internally still forces Secure boot even if Windows reports that Secure
boot isn't active. The interesting thing is that PXELINUX is still able
to start a Linux kernels.

Is there maybe some way to adopt the PXELINUX boot behavior for iPXE? I
used the lua.c32 COMBOOT module and the following Lua snippet to boot
the Linux kernel:

syslinux.run_kernel_image(kernel, table.concat(options, " "), 0, 0)

Regards, Felix

Best regards,

Felix Jacobi

IServ GmbH
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