[ipxe-devel] Error "Could not select: Exec format error (2e008081)" while loading EFI images via HTTP/TFTP

Felix Jacobi felix.jacobi at iserv.eu
Tue Sep 10 13:40:56 UTC 2019

Hi Geert,

> So back to Error "Could not select: Exec format error (2e008081)" while
> loading EFI images via HTTP/TFTP
> My educated guess is with Christian Nilssons posting from yesterday
>   the file gets damaged during transport
> Please pursuit this interresting problem

I compiled an iPXE binary with the DIGEST_CMD option included as
described in http://ipxe.org/dev/drvtest/md5sum.

The output of the md5sum command looks fine compared to the test on the
boot server:

felix.mein-iserv.de ~ # md5sum /srv/tftpboot/efi64/install
577a82ef6530d4a17c651617cfdd98a2  /srv/tftpboot/efi64/install


So I guess that the file is transferred undamaged as already implied by
the byte size comparison.

Regards, Felix

Best regards,

Felix Jacobi

IServ GmbH
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