[ipxe-devel] Error "Could not select: Exec format error (2e008081)" while loading EFI images via HTTP/TFTP

Felix Jacobi felix.jacobi at iserv.eu
Tue Sep 10 11:36:16 UTC 2019

On 10.09.19 at 13:25, Felix Jacobi wrote:
> Yeah, I will try to research on that point. As already mentioned before
> there is no such option in the firmware. That either implies that there
> is no support for secure boot or secure boot is always active. I am not
> sure if the latter case is even possible, as the iPXE binary itself is
> loaded without problems at the beginning.

I installed a Windows manually on the broken notebook, Windows says via
the system information program that secure boot isn't active.

Regards, Felix

Best regards,

Felix Jacobi

IServ GmbH
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