[ipxe-devel] IPXE config can't list all net device as BIOS boot PXE list

Christian Nilsson nikize at gmail.com
Wed Jul 26 09:17:43 UTC 2017

On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 10:48 AM, dangdehua <dangdehua at huawei.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I meet with below problems:
> BIOS list PXE boot devices as below picture(7 numbers), but IPXE ONLY find
> 3 net devices (net0, net1, net2), why less? How to list all PXE boot
> devices as BIOS boot list?

How does this compare to the output of ifstat in iPXE ?
And from linux what does lspci -nn | grep 'Ether\|Net' show ?
Which iPXE binary are you using, is it snp.efi or ipxe.efi or something

The possible explanations I can think of is that
1. drivers for one or more of the nics are not available in iPXE
2. the driver that is used in iPXE only finds first port of the nics (I
think this is the case with UNDI, but that is due to limitations in UNDI
itself and is not something that iPXE can change)
3. Combination of the above

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