[ipxe-devel] I have a trouble booting iPXE from a specific laptop

Robin Smidsrød robin at smidsrod.no
Wed Dec 21 09:41:07 UTC 2016

> On 15 Dec 2016 14:58, "Esben Storgaard Nielsen" <esn at solar.dk> wrote:
>> I'm a windows user, and not familiar with Linux, so I can't create a USB drive from the source files.

Actually, you can. If you use the newest Windows 10 with Subsystem for
Linux you can install Bash on Ubuntu on Windows and git clone ipxe just
like you do on Linux. iPXE actually can be compiled on Windows now. I
have tested this myself.

For writing the USB drive I usually use Win32DiskImager,
https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/, instead of one of the
dd variants for Windows. It is more user-friendly.

-- Robin

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