[ipxe-devel] infinite loop in makefile

Michael Brown mcb30 at ipxe.org
Wed Aug 3 21:37:36 UTC 2016

On 03/08/16 19:24, Walker, Scott wrote:
> Using ³make bin-x86_64/ipxe.efi² still causes the infinite loop

You'll need to use

   make bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi

> The binary works for now but I will probably need to compile iPXE from
> source eventually so it would be great to know if anybody finds a solution
> to the Makefile problem.

The Makefile is known working; every commit passes at a minimum a "make 
everything" test, which includes building bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi.

To debug the problem on your system, identify one file that is looping, 
and examine the corresponding file in $(BIN)/deps.  For example, if you see

   [DEPS] interface/efi/efi_file.c

appearing repeatedly, then look at the file


and check that every file listed in efi_file_DEPS exists within your 
local tree.


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