[ipxe-devel] menu commands

Michael Brown mbrown at fensystems.co.uk
Thu Mar 29 14:44:54 UTC 2012

On Thursday 29 Mar 2012 11:11:53 Christian Hesse wrote:
> I just found the documentation listing the menu commands 'menu', 'item' and
> 'choose'. My iPXE command line does not know them and scripts give an error
> as well: "menu: command not found"
> What do I need to get support for that?

You need the latest code; the menu feature was only pushed about an hour ago!

iPXE now has the ability to generate interactive menus directly from iPXE 
scripts.  For example:

    menu Please choose an operating system to boot
    item fedora   Fedora Linux
    item win7     Windows 7
    choose os
    echo Booting ${os}...

A sample screenshot is attached.  Documentation is currently available at


Many thanks to Robin Smidsrød for coming up with the overall design for this 

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