[ipxe-devel] strange failure while win7 install to iscsi-disk

Marek Salwerowicz marek_sal at wp.pl
Tue Mar 13 14:31:22 UTC 2012

Hi Oliver,

W dniu 2012-03-12 17:30, Oliver Rath pisze:
> Hi list,
> Im trying to install win7 (32bit professional) directly to an
> iscsi-Target (linux-iscsi, kernel 3.2.6), given by ipxe (undiolnly.kpxe).
> First I created a WinPE (3.0, with iscsi-support) which boots fine.
How did you prepare the WinPE image? Have you just added the Microsoft 
iSCSI initiator support to regular WinPE ISO image?
? )

Are you trying to boot it using the:

sanboot --drive 0x81 --no-describe http://path-to-iso-image

command to boot ?

Marek Salwerowicz

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