[ipxe-devel] e1000e/8086:1502 not working?

Levente LEVAI levail at aviatronic.hu
Sat Nov 26 19:09:48 UTC 2011

I use ipxe for a project since March. I have built a snapshot 
(ipxe.lkrn) back then
I'm quite happy with. Just recently I saw that the dos prefix was 
introduced. It is
something that could make life much easier for me with certain tasks. I 
have built
ipxe.exe from a recent snapshot and to my astonishment on one of the 
(it has an e1000e nic, pci id: 0x8086, 0x1502) I was unable to bring up 
I get a '"net0": no such network device' message in the recent build. I 
tried it also
with the .lkrn prefix, it works (or rather, does not work) the same.

I have diffed the e1000e driver code in the two versions and found no 
differences (found only some icr related changes, in fact). In 
particular 0x1502 is
not explicitly listed in either driver, but the March snapshot still 
grabs the device.

Does anyone has a clue what's happening? How should I set about 
resolving this

Best regards,

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