Fair enough, thanks for your hard work et al.
On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 1:24 PM, ipxe-devel <notifications@github.com>
> On 12/06/14 18:08, Dale Hamel wrote:
> > Workflow would go like this:
> >
> > 0.) Move site to static github.io (possibly using something like jekyll
> > to make changes easier)
> > 1.) Someone generates a PR, which is reviewed and deemed good
> > 2.) The branch is merged locally, and you run whatever code you had to
> > do the error number generation as a static page (jekyll could probably
> > help with this)
> > 3.) You update the master branch and close the PR.
> The error pages are not static; they get generated on demand. The list
> of possible errors is generated via
> make bin/errors bin-x86_64-linux/errors bin-i386-efi/errors ....etc
> and then processed into an SQLite database using contrib/errdb/errdb.pl.
> When a page within the error namespace is requested, a custom dokuwiki
> plugin then uses the database to generate the header information
> (including the hyperlinks to the lines of code whence the error might
> originate).
> It's a very slick process involving absolutely no manual intervention on
> my part. Any error added to the codebase will show up in an error page
> within a very short time of being pushed to the master branch, and the
> pertinent details for the error page (including the full error text) are
> pulled directly from the source code.
> > Or, just pull merge normal PRs like normal, then do add the updated
> > error code stuff after merging master.
> >
> > Otherwise, keep the old servers around just for error code /linenumber
> > lookup. Either way, hosting off of github.io should reduce your hosting
> > costs and improve reliability.
> Hosting costs are zero since I already own a physical server in
> Telehouse North, and it all just runs from there. I would be concerned
> about the loss of control over hosting on any free external service
> (particularly the risk that the service might in future decide to insert
> advertisements).
> > I can help you with the migration (or even just a mockup) if you like -
> > love the iPXE project and would be happy to contribute in any way that I
> > can.
> Thank you for the offer; I do appreciate it. I have to say that I'm
> very happy with the current hosting arrangement and don't really want to
> change unless there is a demonstrable benefit which won't increase my
> workload.
> Michael
> —
> Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
> <https://github.com/ipxe/ipxe/pull/21#issuecomment-45921830>.
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