[ipxe-devel] [PATCH 1/1] efi: reimplement efi_locate_device

Michael Brown mcb30 at ipxe.org
Wed Jul 12 18:06:57 UTC 2017

On 12/07/17 19:03, Heinrich Schuchardt wrote:
>> That patch seems to completely negate the purpose of the existing
>> efi_locate_device() function.  What is it that you are trying to achieve?
> My understanding is that efi_locate_device is called with the system
> handle from drivers/net/efi/snponly.c:82 to find the device that
> supports the Simple Network Protocol.

Not quite.  It's supposed to find the closest SNP-supporting parent of 
the specified device.  The idea is not just to find any SNP, but to find 
the SNP from which iPXE itself was loaded.  This makes a difference if 
the system has more than one SNP device.


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