[ipxe-devel] Patch: Make shell command available when BANNER_TIMEOUT is set to 0

Julian Brost julian at 0x4a42.net
Sun Dec 8 15:21:33 UTC 2013


when building iPXE with BANNER_TIMEOUT set to 0, it's impossible to use
the "shell" command in scripts. Trying to use it results in the error
message "shell: command not found".

The only uses of symbols from the shell.o file seem to be in
src/usr/autoboot.c in an if ( shell_banner() ) block which becomes dead
code if BANNER_TIMEOUT is 0 as shell_banner() always returns 0 in this
case. Thus shell.o doesn't get linked and the "shell" and "help"
commands are unavailable as they're missing from the symbol table.

Adding REQUIRE_OBJECT ( shell ); to src/config/config.c fixes this, see
the attached patch. Probably you want to move this to some other place
in the file and add an explaining comment.

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